
How to Align Dates on Resume

Do you need help formatting dates on your resume?

Want to make sure the dates on your resume are aligned and easy to read? Our expert guide explains how to align dates on resume, with tips and examples to help you make a great impression.

You may be wondering how to align dates on resume. The procedure may seem simple, but it might be difficult. You don’t want to give recruiters the incorrect idea by using dates that are inconsistent or ambiguous. The good news is that there are other ways to format dates on a resume. This post will go through the various date formats, important suggestions, and text alignment. Let’s start with the appropriate resume date forms. You may use any of the formats listed below as long as you maintain consistency throughout your resume:

Just a few years

The month and year (full or abbreviated)

The season and the year

Some forms, on the other hand, should be avoided, such as:

The day, month, and year
Just for one month

When it comes to formatting dates in your resume, remember that consistency is crucial. Here are a few examples of resume date formats:

From March 2019 through August 2021 (Season and year)

September 2017 through July 2020 (Month and year, abbreviated)

2015 – 2020 (Years only)

There are two primary ways to text alignment:

Dates should be aligned correctly: This is the most popular method. Simply said, dates are positioned to the right, while job titles, business names, and other data are aligned to the left

Formatting Dates on Your Resume

  • DON’T FORGET TO INCLUDE THE MONTH AND YEAR. This is the format recommended by the majority of recruiters, so it’s a safe bet.
  • set a date format that the ATS can understand. When you add the month and year on your resume, applicant tracking systems (ATS) have an easier time deciphering it.

Dos and Don’ts of Formatting Dates on Your Resume

Want to make sure the dates on your resume are aligned and easy to read? Our expert guide explains how to align dates on resume, with tips and examples to help you make a great impression.

The suggested ATS resume date format is September 2018 to June 2020 or 07/2020 to September 2023.

DO NOT: Include precise start and finish dates. Precise dates on a resume are unnecessary. Only mention days if you’re filling out an application form that specifically requests it.

Finally, consistency is essential when it comes to formatting dates in your resume. To create a good impression on prospective employers, adopt the same structure throughout your resume and follow the crucial suggestions.

Developing a solid CV may make or break your chances of securing your ideal job. One essential consideration is how to correctly style dates on your resume. We’ll go over some dos and don’ts when it comes to utilizing dashes and hyphens, aligning your resume dates, and including short dates and abbreviations in this post.

Making Use of Dashes and Hyphens

When separating dates on your resume, use a hyphen or an en dash rather than a term like to or till. Be careful to leave a space between the dates and any dashes or hyphens, such as 2016-2019 rather than 2016-2019.

Getting Your Resume Dates Right

Always properly align any dates on your resume for a clean and professional appearance.

Synchronizing and Abbreviating Dates on Your Resume

This keeps the paper from becoming cluttered and keeps the emphasis on the most critical information, such as your job title and firm.

Here’s a simple approach to synchronizing your CV dates: To align all dates on the right side of the page, use a tab stop. Enter the desired date format (for example, June 2018 – August 2021) and hit the Tab key. Fill up the blanks with information about your professional experience or education, aligned to the left side of the page.

Listing Abbreviations and Short Dates

Although it is acceptable to write out the whole month or year, it is not required. These are some guidelines for utilizing abbreviations:

  • To shorten a month, use the first three letters without a period, such as Sep 2018 rather than Sept. 2018.
  • Short dates for years are normally fine, but if you want to avoid confusion, include dates as MM/YYYYY, such as 05/2010.

Things to Stay Away From

Furthermore, it is not required to provide start dates in your schooling section. These days are better suited for job experience, volunteer work, or internships. Finally, by adhering to these easy do’s and don’ts, you can ensure that the dates on your resume are obvious and consistent. This will help you make a good first impression on prospective employers.

Consistency and Clarity in Your Resume

Want to make sure the dates on your resume are aligned and easy to read? Our expert guide explains how to align dates on resume, with tips and examples to help you make a great impression.

While creating your resume, make sure the information you present is clear and consistent. This covers how degrees or credentials are listed, overlapping positions, and date formats. In this post, we’ll go over some ideas to help you list your credentials and occupations properly, and keep consistency across your resume.

Degrees and Other Qualifications

Degrees and other qualifications should be included. You only need to indicate your graduation date when listing degrees or other credentials on your CV. It’s also OK to leave this off if it’s been eight years or more.

Overlapping Positions

It is OK to put overlapping employment on your CV. This might be a brief overlap, many part-time employment, or side gigs in addition to your full-time career. To keep it chronological, put the most recent job on top. For example, if you are now working two jobs, one that began in March and one that began in April, mention the one that began in April first.

Resume Date Format That Is Consistent

Consistency is essential when it comes to formatting dates on your resume. As long as you’re consistent, there’s no right or wrong way to structure dates on your resume. Avoid moving between date types and stick to the same format throughout your resume. This makes your resume clear and simple to read.

Maintaining Consistency in Your Resume

Finally, keeping consistency in your CV is critical. Follow the guidelines for reporting degrees or other credentials, overlapping occupations, and date formats. This will aid in the organization, clarity, and professionalism of your resume. For job searchers, creating a well-structured CV is critical. One critical consideration is how to style dates efficiently throughout your article. In this post, we will discuss some guidelines for maintaining consistency and avoiding frequent blunders when including dates on your resume.

Abbreviations That Are Consistent

It is critical to utilize consistent acronyms when providing dates in your job experience section. If you use the date format 10/2017 – 04/2019, for example, do not indicate your graduation date as September 2016. Likewise, utilize consistent abbreviations throughout your CV. Consistency is essential, whether you use January 2018 or January 18.

Date Separators That Are Consistent

To separate dates, either a short hyphen or a longer en dash is allowed. But, it is critical that you choose one and apply it throughout your resume. Switching between separators might be difficult for recruiters.

Don’t Be Misled by Year-Only Dates

It is OK to drop months off your CV when mentioning earlier employment. It is, however, not acceptable to mislead recruiters by just providing the year.

How to Properly Include Dates on Your Resume

Want to make sure the dates on your resume are aligned and easy to read? Our expert guide explains how to align dates on resume, with tips and examples to help you make a great impression.

Consistency is Key
When it comes to adding dates to your resume, consistency is essential. Use the same date format throughout your resume and be clear about the dates you provide. Use consistent abbreviations and date separators, such as a short hyphen or a longer en dash.
Include All Relevant Dates
It’s important to include all relevant dates, including graduation dates and dates of employment. Avoid using a functional or skills-based resume structure that excludes dates, as it may be difficult for recruiters and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to understand.
Don’t Mislead with Year-Only Dates
While it’s acceptable to drop months off your resume when mentioning earlier employment, it’s not advisable to mislead recruiters by only providing the year. Be clear about the duration of your employment or education, and avoid creating the impression that you worked somewhere for a longer period than you actually did.
Overlapping Positions
It’s okay to include overlapping employment on your resume, such as part-time jobs or side gigs in addition to your full-time career. List your most recent job first and keep it chronological.
By following these guidelines, you can properly include dates on your resume and create a clear and consistent representation of your work and education experience.

Tips for Formatting Dates on Your Resume

Dates are important: While creating your resume, make sure the information you present is clear and consistent. This covers how degrees or credentials are listed, overlapping positions, and date formats.
List your degrees: Degrees and other qualifications should be included. You only need to indicate your graduation date when listing degrees or other credentials on your CV. It’s also OK to leave this off if it’s been eight years or more.
Overlapping positions: It is OK to put overlapping employment on your CV. This might be a brief overlap, many part-time employment, or side gigs in addition to your full-time career. To keep it chronological, put the most recent job on top.
Consistency is key: Consistency is essential when it comes to formatting dates on your resume. Avoid moving between date types and stick to the same format throughout your resume. This makes your resume clear and simple to read.
Abbreviations: It is critical to utilize consistent acronyms when providing dates in your job experience section. Utilize consistent abbreviations throughout your CV.
Date separators: To separate dates, either a short hyphen or a longer en dash is allowed. But, it is critical that you choose one and apply it throughout your resume.
Avoid misleading recruiters: It is not acceptable to mislead recruiters by just providing the year. For example, if you worked at a firm from December 2018 to February 2019, don’t include the years 2018-2019.
Don’t omit dates: It is not advisable to use a functional or skills-based resume structure that excludes dates. Recruiters want to know how much experience you have in related jobs.
Understand when to break the rules: Although consistency is vital throughout your resume, there are moments when you may stray from typical procedures.
Coordinating Dates on Your Resume: To create a professional-looking CV, make sure your dates are properly matched. To do this, right-align your dates using tabs rather than spaces. Using spaces might be time-consuming and result in dates that are not aligned. To match your dates in Google Documents and Microsoft Word, follow these steps:
How to Align Dates on a Google Documents Resume:
Check the View -> Display ruler box.
Click on the ruler where you want your text to be aligned.
Aligning Dates on a Resume in MS Word:
To make the ruler visible, go to the View tab and pick Ruler.

Coordinating Dates on Your Resume in Microsoft Word

Make sure your dates are properly aligned for a professional appearance. With Microsoft Word, perform the following:

  • Step 1: Go to the Home tab and align your text to the left.
  • Step 2: Click the arrow symbol on the lower left of your paragraph section to choose Line spacing options.
  • Step 3: Instead, choose Format -> Paragraph.
  • Step 4: Click the Tabs button located at the lower left-hand corner.
  • Step 5: Under Tab stops, type where you want your tab to terminate. This should be roughly 6.2 inches in a normal document.
  • Step 6: Click Right under Alignment.
  • Step 7: Choose OK.

Finally, properly identifying dates on your resume is critical for presenting yourself in the best light to prospective employers. Follow the guidelines in this article and use tabs to align your dates. Remember to remain consistent and to only break the rules when necessary. Dates on a resume must be properly aligned in order to show a professional and well-organized document to prospective employers.

Tips for Aligning Dates on Your Resume

Properly Identifying Dates

Properly identifying dates on your resume is critical for presenting yourself in the best light to prospective employers. Follow the guidelines in this article and use tabs to align your dates. Remember to remain consistent and to only breach the rules when necessary.

Coordinating Dates on Your Resume with Microsoft Word

Make sure your dates are properly aligned for a professional appearance. With Microsoft Word, perform the following:

– Head to the Home tab, you may align your text to the left.

– Choose Line spacing choices by clicking the arrow symbol on the lower left of your paragraph section.

– Choose Format -> Paragraph instead.

– At the lower left-hand corner, click the Tabs button.

– Type where you want your tab to terminate under Tab stops. This should be roughly 6.2 inches in a normal document.

– Click Right under Alignment.

– Choose OK.

– Type your usual (left-aligned) text in your document, then use the tab key to input your dates.

Finally, aligning dates on your CV is critical for producing a professional and well-organized document that will impress prospective employers. Follow the advice in this article and use appropriate formatting and alignment to create a standout resume.

This strategy facilitates scanning while emphasizing the time of each operation.

Dates aligned to the left:

This method is less popular but still acceptable. Dates are positioned to the left in this technique, while job titles, firm names, and other data are aligned to the right. This technique is excellent when you want to highlight job titles or firm names.

These are some pointers to remember while structuring dates on your resume:

  • Keep your resume format consistent throughout.
  • Where feasible, be detailed and utilize exact dates.
  • Avoid using the present or current as the job’s end date.
  • Check that your dates correspond to your job experience.
  • Finally, remember that applicant tracking systems (ATS) prefer the date format YYYY/MM/DD. To guarantee that your resume is ATS-friendly, be sure you structure your dates correctly.

To summarize, although formatting dates on your resume may seem minor, it may have a huge influence on the overall image you offer recruiters. You can make your resume more professional and increase your chances of finding your ideal job by following the suggestions and utilizing the proper formats. Developing a professional CV might be difficult, but it is necessary to create a good impression on prospective employers. One aspect you should not neglect is how to format dates on your resume.


Date Formats for Your Resume

This post will go through the many date formats you may use in your job experience, education, or any other portion of your resume, as well as some helpful hints.

Formats for Work Experience Dates

When it comes to job experience, you have numerous date formats to choose from:

2018 – 2021

06/2018 – 06/2021

06-2018 – 06-2021

06/18 – 06/21

From June 2018 through June 2021

From June 2018 through June 2021

July 2018 – Autumn 2021

Any of these date formats are fine as long as you use them consistently throughout your resume.

Formats for Graduation Dates

Similarly, you may use one of three date formats for your graduation date:


January 2019


Fall 2023

September 2023

Expecting Sep 2023

Estimated 09/2023

Again, consistency is important, so use the same structure for all of your graduation dates.

Guidelines for Putting Dates on Your Resume

These are some important dates to include in your resume:

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