
Where to Put Pronouns on Resume

To Reveal or Not to Disclose: Your Resume’s Pronoun Conundrum

Where to put pronouns on resume is ultimately up to you whether or not to include pronouns on your CV. But, there are a few factors to consider before making a selection. Many have begun to include their pronouns in their email signatures, LinkedIn accounts, and even resumes in recent years. This trend toward diversity is admirable, but is it appropriate for you? Here are some things to think about before making a choice.

Where to Put Pronouns on Resume? Tips for Inclusive Language

Why You Should Include Pronouns on Your Resume

There are various benefits to putting your pronouns on your CV, including:

  • Preventing Inadvertent Misgendering: Adding your pronouns on your CV might help you avoid unpleasant or awkward exchanges throughout the interview process. By identifying your pronouns upfront, you may avoid prospective employers or interviewers from misgendering you, which is particularly useful if you identify as non-binary or use uncommon pronouns.
  • Anxiety Reduction: If you’re worried about defining your pronouns or gender identity during an interview or professional context, using your pronouns on your CV will assist. By making your pronouns explicit from the beginning, you may eliminate any discomfort that may occur from having to explain yourself.

Why You Shouldn’t Include Pronouns on Your Resume

Nonetheless, there are numerous reasons why you would not want to put your pronouns on your resume, such as:

  • Safety Concerns: Depending on where you reside and the sector you work in, exposing your pronouns may put you in danger. However, discrimination and prejudice still exist in many organizations, and disclosing your pronouns may put you at risk.
  • Individual Preference: Although diversity is vital, it is also crucial to remember that everyone’s degree of comfort with revealing personal information varies. It’s also OK if you don’t feel comfortable giving your pronouns.

Finally, whether or not to include your pronouns on your CV is a personal choice.

Why Adding Your Pronouns on Your CV Contributes to Workplace Inclusivity

Although it might assist to minimize misgendering and reduce anxiety, it is critical to prioritize your own safety and comfort level.

Using Your Pronouns on Your CV is a Personal Choice with Various Advantages

Here are some reasons why you should include your pronouns:

  • It Might Make You Feel More Secure During Job Interviews: You may prevent any gender misgendering throughout the interview process by stating your pronouns on your résumé. This helps you to concentrate on your degrees and job experience rather than having to correct someone who misgenders you. It is critical to feel secure during a job interview in order to perform well.
  • It Shows Your Support for LGBTQ+ Rights: Whether you identify as cisgender, transgender, or non-binary, using your pronouns in professional communications demonstrates your support for LGBTQ+ rights. According to Max Masure, co-founder of Argo Collective, an organization that helps employers establish inclusive environments, it’s an important step toward workplace inclusiveness. They claim that standardizing the use of pronouns is a real, meaningful method to demonstrate your support for LGBTQIA+ people.
  • It Helps in the Search for an Inclusive Workplace: Including your pronouns on your CV might assist you in eliminating non-inclusive employers. If a firm perceives you as competent for a job but refuses to call you in for an interview due to your pronouns, it’s not a company you’d want to work for. It is preferable to locate firms that welcome all genders before wasting your time applying to them.

But, there are a few things to consider before listing your pronouns on your résumé. Others claim that specifying your pronouns may result in discrimination. Moreover, it is a personal choice, and not everyone feels comfortable disclosing their pronouns.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Including Your Pronouns on Your Resume

Finally, mentioning your pronouns on your CV is an effective approach to demonstrate your support for LGBTQ+ rights and locate an accepting employer. It also makes you more at ease during job interviews, enabling you to concentrate on your credentials and professional experience. Nonetheless, it is ultimately up to you whether or not to reveal your pronouns.

Finding an Inclusive Workplace

Finding a workplace that encourages diversity and inclusiveness might be a top priority while looking for work. If you wish to apply for employment at inclusive organizations, you should start with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s list of over 1,000 of the country’s leading corporations devoted to LGBTQ equality and inclusion. Nevertheless, before you include your pronouns on your CV or other professional documents, consider the following.

Why You Shouldn’t Include Pronouns on Your Resume

Even if a corporation purports to be inclusive, unconscious prejudice in the workplace is still a problem. Including your pronouns on your CV may result in prejudice or bias, particularly if you have a unisex name. It’s crucial to understand that, depending on where you reside, taking legal action against discrimination before you’re employed may be tough. You may have greater legal safeguards if you wait to declare your pronouns or gender identity until after you’ve been employed. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in the United States provides tools to assist you better understand your rights.

How to Incorporate Pronouns on Your Resume or Other Professional Documents

If you do decide to use pronouns on your resume or other professional documents, bear the following in mind:

  • Maintain Consistency: To minimize misunderstanding, use the same pronouns in all of your professional publications.
  • Use Pronouns that Correspond to Your Gender Identity: Pick pronouns that correspond to your gender identification, even if they vary from the pronouns often associated with your name.

Fostering Inclusivity: How to Declare Your Pronouns in the Workplace

Where to Put Pronouns on Resume? Tips for Inclusive Language

A good working atmosphere requires inclusivity and acceptance of diversity. Using your pronouns in your work life is one way to demonstrate your support for gender equality. Here are some pointers on how to reveal your pronouns in certain situations:

On Your Curriculum Vitae

If you wish to include your pronouns on your resume, just put them in the header beneath your name. Make sure they come before your contact information. If you do not want to provide more information on your resume, you may explain your pronouns in your cover letter, just below your signature.

When Submitting Job Applications

You may be asked to specify your gender on online job applications. If “genderqueer/nonbinary” is an option, you may pick it. If not, choose “other.” You may also opt not to provide such information.

Included in Your Email Signature

Using your pronouns in your email signature is an easy approach to encourage diversity and minimize gender misattribution. The LGBT Resource Center at the University of California, San Francisco, offers various examples of how to include your pronouns in parenthesis next to your name or as a separate line beneath your position and contact information.

Consider the Following

Include your pronouns at the beginning of your CV, LinkedIn profile, or email signature to guarantee that prospective employers notice them.

Make it an option: On your CV or other professional papers, including a line that states pronouns: (insert pronouns) might enable you to reveal your pronouns while still making it clear that it is optional.

Finally, whether or not to reveal your pronouns on your resume is a personal choice that relies on your degree of comfort and the possible hazards. If you do want to add your pronouns, following these guidelines may assist guarantee that you do it in a consistent, correct, and optional manner.

To Reveal or Not to Declare: Putting Pronouns on Your Resume Is a Personal Decision

Where to Put Pronouns on Resume? Tips for Inclusive Language

It is a personal decision whether to reveal your pronouns on your résumé or other professional documents. There is no one-size-fits-all solution since what one individual finds comfortable may not be the same for another. These are some things to think about:

Why You Should Reveal Pronouns

  • Minimize misgendering: Incorporating your pronouns in your professional papers may assist to minimize inadvertent misgendering, reduce anxiety, and show your support for LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Find inclusive employers: It may also assist you in finding an inclusive employer that shares your beliefs.

Why You May Not Want to Share Pronouns

Where to Put Pronouns on Resume? Tips for Inclusive Language

However, unconscious prejudice and discrimination are still common in the workplace, and sharing your pronouns might lead to discrimination or bias. Depending on where you reside, taking legal action against prejudice before being employed may be challenging.

How to Explain Pronouns

If you do decide to use your pronouns, you may do so in a variety of ways, such as adding them to your CV or other professional documents, choosing them on job applications, including them in your email signature, or using them on your LinkedIn page.

On Your LinkedIn Page

Regrettably, there is no place on LinkedIn dedicated to revealing your pronouns. But, by updating your intro information, you may quickly add your pronouns to the end of your last name.

Finally, the choice to reveal your pronouns is a personal one. Throughout the job-search process, it’s critical to determine what makes you feel the most at ease. It is ultimately up to you whether or not to reveal your pronouns, but by doing so, you may contribute to a more inclusive and inviting working atmosphere.

You may contribute to create a more inviting and supportive working atmosphere by fostering tolerance and acceptance of diversity.


What are some of the reasons why you would wish to put your pronouns on professional materials?

Adding your pronouns may help you avoid inadvertent misgendering, reduce anxiety, show support for LGBTQ+ rights, and find an inclusive employment.

What are some of the reasons you would not wish to mention personal pronouns in professional materials?

Unconscious prejudice and discrimination are still common in the workplace, and sharing your pronouns might lead to discrimination or bias. Depending on where you reside, taking legal action against prejudice before being employed may be challenging.

How can your pronouns be included in your professional materials?

Your pronouns may be included on your résumé, job applications, email signature, or LinkedIn profile.

What should you think about before using pronouns in your professional materials?

It’s important to consider your personal comfort level and the potential risks before deciding whether or not to include your pronouns.

What are some pointers for incorporating pronouns in professional materials?

  • Be consistent: Use the same pronouns in all of your professional materials to minimize confusion.
  • Match your gender identity: Use pronouns that match your gender identity, even if they don’t match the pronouns typically associated with your name.
  • Consider placement: Think about where to include your pronouns on your materials, such as in the header of your résumé or in your email signature.
  • Make it optional: Include a line that states “pronouns: (insert pronouns)” to make it clear that revealing your pronouns is optional.

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