
About Us

Invest in yourself with Passmycareer Team!

Do you know more than 90% of companies are using ATS (Applicant Tracking System)? ATS is used for collecting, sorting, scanning, and ranking job applications. It means if a resume / CV is not written and formatted with the ATS in mind, even a qualified candidate can be easily passed over.

Your new Resume and LinkedIn will enable you to focus your energy on finding companies that will pay top dollar to hire and retain you. Whether you’re new to the workforce, pivoting careers, or climbing the c-suite ladder, you’re in the right place.

No doubt!

Is all your actively speaking documents in front of a recruiter. Professional Resume demands a Professional Person to work on. Our team of professional HR with years of experience have created and reviewed over 3,000 resumes and LinkedIn profiles.

This is your life. You decide what your purpose is, who you want to become, and how best to get there. That journey begins now!

We will analyze your job targets and career goals to combine pertinent keywords that enhance alignment. Your new resume will demonstrate your value and distinguish you from the horde of other applicants while speaking to the needs of hirers in your space.