Strategy to deal with Toxic Coworkers at work.

Can you Handle the Toxic Coworker? Strategy to deal, A toxic work environment is not just bad for the employee’s mental health, it also has a negative impact on their physical health. There are many reasons why people become toxic coworkers and the reasons can vary depending on the person. The first step in dealing […]
First Day Back To Work After Vacation, A Day In The Life Of Secretary

Work After Vacation, Ah, vacation. The only thing on your to-do list was to do nothing and you just finished a week away. Nice! But now you’re back to reality and feeling drained. When you return to work after a vacation, there are so many things on your to-do list and don’t forget a dress […]
Dress Code, how to look good at work, dress code for office?

What Exactly Is an Dress Code for office? An office dress code specifies the level of formality that can be worn to work. Most workplaces do not have a written dress code; instead, they use broad terms like “business professional,” “business formal,” “business casual,” or “casual.” You’ll be able to dress for success if you […]
What exactly is blind hiring, and how is it being used ?

When companies use blind hiring, they can review resumes without any bias towards the job candidate’s name, what they look like or where they come from. So-called ‘ blind resumes ‘ are when the recruiter has no idea who submitted the resume. Blind recruitment is a technique where candidates are interviewed to assess their competence […]
What You Need to Know About Personality Test

You’re feeling really confident and excited, as you think you may have pulled off the interview of your life. There’s just one thing you need to do now: search and find a pre employment personality test. After carefully considering your qualifications, you may be tempted to sit back and wait for a phone call with […]
Career Secrets to Get Promoted at Work and Inspire Your Boss

Why would I want to get promoted at work? It is important to note that there are many reasons why people want to get promoted at work. They are driven by various factors, such as a higher salary, more challenging work, or more responsibility. To be successful in a company, one critical rule to […]
Can you work two full time jobs in 2022?

Full time jobs, It used to be virtually impossible for someone to work two full-time jobs. Back when most people traveled to the office, it made no sense to have two jobs. One would cover the days, while the other would cover nights, running you in to 80hours a week —tough to pull off, if […]
The 5 Second Blind Resume Scan vs How it Impacts You as a Job Seeker

The 5-second blind resume scan can make or break an applicant’s chance of being hired.A well-crafted cover letter will catch their attention giving your resume a second chance.In the age of technology and digital transformation, it is very important to be aware of blind resume scans. Oftentimes, recruiters will scan resumes and reject candidates who […]
How To Ensure a Successful Career Transition to Your Dream Job In Your twenties?

The transition to a new career can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right information and support, you can make a smooth and successful career change. In this article, we will provide you with some great tips on how to make the transition from your current career to your dream job […]
Common Job Search Mistakes and How to Master Them

Do You Have A Job Interview Coming Up? Job Search, A lot of job seekers make mistakes when they are looking for a job. The most common mistake is not understanding the job market trends and Employers are always looking for certain kinds of candidates and applicants. There is no point in sending them applications […]