
How To Say Customer Service Skills On Resume

Acquiring Must-Have Customer Service Abilities for Your 2023 CV

How to Say Customer Service Skills on Resume – Customer service skills are highly valued by employers. In this article, we provide tips and examples for highlighting your customer service skills on your resume to help you stand out in a competitive job market.

Do you want to work with customers? If this is the case, you should be aware that having excellent customer service abilities is a must. Why? Because customer service abilities are important not just for addressing customer concerns, but also for increasing customer satisfaction and generating sales.

We’ve got you covered when it comes to acquiring the must-have customer service abilities for your 2023 CV. We’ll go over all you need to know about customer service abilities in this post, including the following:

What is the definition of customer service skills?

  • The quality of customer service connection
  • Soft talents that allow you to give great customer service
  • Communication skills, problem-solving, patience, forming relationships

20 critical customer service skills for your resume

  • Communication skills
  • Patience
  • Attentiveness
  • Empathy
  • Problem-solving ability
  • Quick thinking
  • Knowledge of the product or service
  • Ability to use positive language
  • Acting skills
  • Time management skills
  • Ability to read customers
  • A calm demeanor
  • Goal-oriented focus
  • Ability to handle surprises
  • Persuasion skills
  • Ability to handle complaints
  • Flexibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Sales skills
  • Closing ability

Customer service refers to the interaction between a company and its customers. The quality of this connection is directly tied to the success of a firm. Customer service abilities are a set of soft talents that allow you to give great customer service. These abilities include the capacity to communicate effectively, solve issues quickly, be patient, and form true relationships.

Why are customer service skills important? Customer service abilities are essential for any profession that involves interacting with customers, such as customer service agents, salesmen, cashiers, and others. These abilities are very significant because they enable you to:

  • Establish and maintain great customer connections
  • Handle customer problems and queries effectively
  • Recognize and address customer demands
  • Increase customer satisfaction levels
  • Create new sales prospects

Now that you understand the relevance of customer service abilities, let’s look at the ones you should mention in your resume. If you’re looking for a career that requires you to interact with customers, you’re probably aware that having exceptional customer service abilities may considerably increase your chances of being hired. Companies are looking for staff that can successfully handle client problems while also making them feel heard, understood, and appreciated.

The Importance of Customer Service Abilities for Companies

A corporation that has strong customer service capabilities may profit from the following:

  • Better customer experience: Happy consumers are more inclined to stick with a brand. According to a HubSpot survey, 68% of customers are prepared to spend extra for goods and services from a business renowned for providing excellent customer service.
  • Improved profits: Content consumers are more inclined to spend more money on goods and services. According to a Bain research, organizations who excel at customer experience increase their sales 4%-8% faster than their competitors.
  • Increased client retention: According to Invesp, acquiring new customers may cost a firm 5 to 25 times more than maintaining current ones. Customer service is critical to client retention, since 80% of consumers said they would do business with a rival after a bad customer service experience.
  • Developed brand loyalty: Offering exceptional customer service may help to develop brand loyalty, which is critical for a company’s success.

As you can see, excellent customer service abilities are essential for every client-facing position. As a result, it’s critical to emphasize these talents in your resume to illustrate your worth as a possible employee. You may showcase your capacity to create excellent client experiences, successfully settle problems, and sustain customer happiness by exhibiting your customer service talents.

Customer service is critical for building brand loyalty. According to a Zendesk survey, almost three out of every five customers consider it critical for brand loyalty. Moreover, consumers prefer to tell others about their customer service experiences, which may lead to additional recommendations for your company. According to Esteban Kolsky, SAP’s Chief Evangelist for Customer Experience, 72% of consumers will tell at least six others about a favorable customer service experience.

When applying for a client-facing position, make sure your CV includes relevant customer service abilities.

The Most In-Demand Customer Service Abilities for 2023

How to Highlight Customer Service Skills on Your Resume - Tips and Examples

Although the particular abilities necessary differ depending on the job, communication and active listening are two that are highly appreciated in most customer-facing professions. Remember that customer service talents span a wide spectrum of competencies, so emphasize those that are most relevant to the position you’re going for.

In conclusion, excellent customer service abilities may enhance brand loyalty and recommendations, making them very useful in any customer-facing role. Be sure to include relevant customer service abilities on your resume to highlight your ability to offer outstanding client experiences and retain customer happiness. To be well-prepared for client-facing positions in 2023, you must have the most in-demand customer service abilities.

Active listening, adaptability, attention to detail, bilingual customer service, building customer loyalty, communication, complaint resolution, organizational skills, decision making, empathy, interpersonal skills, patience, persuasion, positivity, problem-solving, product knowledge, time management, upselling/cross-selling, service-based selling, and computer skills are examples of these skills.

After you’ve discovered your customer service talents, be sure to highlight them in the most convincing manner possible on your resume. Follow these three steps to do this:

  1. Emphasize Your Customer Service Skills in Your Resume Summary: Your resume summary is an excellent place to highlight your customer service abilities. It’s a brief paragraph in which you explain yourself as a candidate, including your professional title, years of experience, top abilities, and significant accomplishments. When done properly, your resume summary will pique the hiring manager’s curiosity and urge them to study your resume in more depth.
  2. Include Your Customer Service Skills in the Skills Section: All of your relevant customer service talents should be included in your skills section. Make a point of emphasizing your most important abilities and tailoring them to the particular position you’re looking for. Including any relevant qualifications or training you’ve undergone to show your dedication to improve your customer service abilities.
  3. Showcase Your Customer Service Talents in Your Work Experience: Your work experience section is where you demonstrate how you’ve used your customer service skills in previous positions. Be sure to include specific examples of how you utilized your abilities to enhance customer experience, increase customer satisfaction, or resolve customer issues.

How to Showcase Your Customer Service Skills on Your Resume

Utilize your job experience area to show how you’ve applied your customer service talents in past positions. Provide concrete instances of how you used your customer service talents to address customer concerns, increase customer happiness, or drive sales. This will help the recruiting manager understand your skills and how you can contribute to their firm.

Finally, possessing the most sought-after customer service abilities is critical for every client-facing profession. You may exhibit your ability to create outstanding client experiences and separate yourself from other applicants by emphasizing your customer service talents on your resume. If you’re searching for a position that requires excellent customer service abilities, be sure to showcase them in your resume summary.

A customer care employee with five years of retail experience, for example, may highlight their great problem-solving and interpersonal abilities, as well as their 99% favorable customer survey scores at XYZ Convenience. This will show their ability to establish and maintain a high level of customer service, making them an appealing prospect for a position with ABC Tech.

When mentioning your customer service talents, be sure they are applicable to the position you’re looking for. Various occupations may need a variety of talents. A customer service person, for example, must have great communication and active listening skills, but a sales representative must be skilled at persuading and upselling. As a result, tailoring your list of customer service talents to the position you’re looking for is critical.

The most apparent place to highlight your customer service talents on your resume is in the Skills section. But, rather than identifying all of the talents mentioned in this article, it’s critical to carefully choose the most relevant skills for the position you’re looking for. You may show that you have the exact customer service talents that the hiring manager is seeking for by doing so.

How to Emphasize Your Customer Service Talents on Your Resume

Emphasizing your customer service talents in your CV is critical for any client-facing position. To highlight your worth as a candidate, include your relevant abilities in your resume summary, list them in the Skills section, and personalize them to the position you’re going for. Check the job description for the most relevant customer service skills for your role. For a customer service representative job, the description often mentions the abilities necessary, such as active listening, multitasking, communication skills, and understanding of CRM systems.

Identify your talents and include them in the Soft/Hard Skills parts of your resume. Soft skills include time management and communication, while Hard Skills include technical expertise such as computer skills or product understanding.

Lastly, utilize your job experience section to demonstrate to the hiring manager that you have the customer service abilities described in your resume summary and soft talents. It’s not enough to say you’re good at customer service. Provide particular instances from your past job experience to back up your statements. This will convince the hiring manager that you are the best applicant for the position.

Finally, securing a client-facing career necessitates emphasizing your relevant customer service talents on your CV. Examine the job description, determine your talents, and put them on your CV as Soft or Hard Skills. Utilize the work experience section to back up your claims and demonstrate to the hiring manager why you’re the best applicant for the position. By following these suggestions, you may distinguish yourself from other applicants and boost your chances of being hired.

It’s critical to match your work experience section to the job description if you want to emphasize your customer service talents. Do not send a generic CV to several jobs. Each position has unique needs, and your CV should illustrate your ability to satisfy them.

Emphasizing Your Job Experience Section

For example, if you’re looking for a cashier job, emphasize your expertise as a restaurant server rather than unrelated adolescent occupations like lawn mowing. Emphasize your accomplishments rather than your tasks in your job experience section. Hiring managers are aware of your prior work duties, but they want to hear how you had a good effect.

Use quantitative statistics to back up your accomplishments to make them stand out. For example, claiming that you assisted the firm in increasing customer retention by 14% by providing clients with a customized experience is much more appealing than just stating that you assisted in increasing customer retention.

Make your job experience section more lively by using action verbs and power words. These phrases exude energy and passion, and they make you look more certain of your talents. Power words include things like surpassed, simplified, invented, and revolutionized.

To summarize, creating a successful work experience section necessitates adapting it to the job description, stressing your accomplishments, supporting them with quantitative evidence, and use dynamic language. You may demonstrate your customer service talents and stand out as a top contender for the position by doing so.

There are several nouns and verbs that may be used for the generic aided or served. The more specific you are about your achievements, the more impressive they will seem. Take the following example of a job experience section that highlights the candidate’s customer service abilities:

  • YXZ Convenience Shop Customer Service Representative
  • 03/2018 – 04/2022
  • Up-sell rates were greatest in both 2019 (2.6%) and 2021 (3%).
  • I worked 10+ hour shifts at the customer service desk.
  • At the shop opening ceremony, I welcomed and gave individualized customer care to over 1000 customers.

While not everyone is born with innate customer service abilities, they may be developed and practiced.

Tips for Providing Exceptional Customer Service

1. Maintain a positive attitude

Improving your customer service abilities requires you to have a positive mindset. Consider your own customer experiences: you’re unlikely to be pleased if your waitress seems unhappy while taking your order at a restaurant.

2. Practice active listening

While speaking with consumers, pay close attention to what they’re saying and offer them your complete attention. Actively listen, share feedback, and attempt to comprehend their wants and problems. To encourage them to speak more, avoid interrupting them and offer open-ended questions. This will demonstrate to them that you respect their advice and are truly interested in assisting them.

3. Personalize your service

Take the time to understand your customers and their specific needs. This will allow you to tailor your service to their individual requirements, providing a more satisfying experience.

4. Be patient and understanding

Patience and empathy are two essential characteristics of great customer service. Put yourself in the position of the consumer and try to comprehend their problem. Even if they are dissatisfied or furious, remain patient with them and avoid taking their conduct personally. Demonstrate empathy and let them know you understand how they feel. Recognize their worries, apologize for any inconvenience, and tell them that you are doing all possible to assist them.

5. Use positive language

The words you choose may have a big influence on how a consumer perceives your service. Avoid negative or accusing terms by using positive language. “Let’s see how we can make this right,” rather than “You’re wrong.” Similarly, instead of stating “I’m not sure,” try “Let me look into it for you.” Positive language may assist to calm difficult situations and demonstrate to the consumer that you are on their side.

6. Follow up with the client

Following up with a client after fixing their problem is always a good idea to ensure they are happy with the solution. This demonstrates that you are concerned about their experience and are dedicated to delivering outstanding customer service.

7. Continuously improve

Improving your customer service abilities is a continuous process. Ask for feedback from your customers and colleagues, and use this information to improve your service. Attend training sessions or seminars to learn new skills and techniques, and stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

Tips for Providing Exceptional Customer Service

How to Highlight Customer Service Skills on Your Resume - Tips and Examples

  • #1. Maintain a Positive Attitude: Improving your customer service abilities requires a positive mindset. Active listening is key, so pay close attention to what customers are saying, offer them your complete attention, and avoid interrupting them.
  • #2. Be Patient and Understanding: Patience and empathy are two essential characteristics of great customer service. Put yourself in the customer’s position, and try to comprehend their problem. Demonstrate empathy, apologize for any inconvenience, and tell them that you are doing all possible to assist them.
  • #3. Use Positive Language: The words you choose may have a big influence on how a consumer perceives your service. Use positive language to calm difficult situations and demonstrate to the consumer that you are on their side.
  • #4. Follow Up with the Client: Following up with a client after fixing their problem demonstrates that you are concerned about their experience and are dedicated to delivering outstanding customer service. It also allows you to solicit comments and learn how to enhance your service in the future.
  • #5. Always Develop Your Abilities: Providing outstanding customer service is a continual process that demands constant progress. Continue to learn and improve your abilities by attending training events, reading professional journals, and soliciting feedback from clients and coworkers.

Saying Yes to Alternatives

When dealing with consumer complaints or difficulties, it is critical to avoid saying no. Instead, strive to provide alternatives that fulfill their requirements. This positive attitude demonstrates your commitment to assisting them and raises the probability of a successful conclusion.

By using these techniques, you will be able to give great customer service that stands out. Customers appreciate exceptional service, and delivering it may result in customer loyalty and higher income. It is critical to understand your clients in order to provide exceptional customer service.

Tips for Providing Exceptional Customer Service

How to Highlight Customer Service Skills on Your Resume - Tips and Examples

Active Listening and Understanding Your Customers

Actively listening to clients is a critical component of providing outstanding customer service. It accounts for over 40% of our everyday contact and aids in the development of consumer relationships. It is critical to avoid distractions and keep focused on the dialogue while practicing active listening. You may get a full grasp of the customer’s requirements and sentiments by asking open-ended inquiries and exploring for further information. Knowing their feelings and demonstrating empathy may go a long way toward increasing client loyalty.

In addition to active listening, it is critical to understand your consumers. You can provide a more tailored experience if you understand their requirements and expectations. This not only enhances consumer happiness but also the likelihood of repeat business. For example, if you know a customer’s interests, you may offer related items or services and provide a more personalized experience.

Tips for Better Understanding Your Customers

  • Consider the following questions for yourself and your team: Who are our primary customers? and how might we assist them further? This aids in determining the customer’s market, requirements, and expectations.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of your consumers and analyze your own issues and demands as a client. This helps you to sympathize with your consumers and comprehend their point of view.
  • Urge consumers to provide specific comments. Evaluate the comments to find patterns and service deficiencies. Share any findings with your team or coworkers.
  • Understand the company’s products or services. This enables you to deliver better customer service, such as more successfully marketing a product or service or resolving a client’s issue. Moreover, familiarity with a company’s product or service might help you stand out during a job interview.

Additional Tips for Providing Exceptional Customer Service

Active listening, pleasant language, and understanding how to say no without saying the word are also required for effective customer service. You can give outstanding customer service that surpasses their expectations by practicing these skills and knowing your consumers.

Gaining information about a company’s products or services is simple, thanks to resources such as the company’s website, handbooks, online forums, customer feedback, and even your own personal experience. But, just understanding the product or service is insufficient to give good customer service. Another important part of providing excellent customer service is empathy.

Connecting on a human level with your clients and demonstrating true empathy for their worries may make all the difference. When you are unable to resolve a client’s issue, empathizing with them may create a great impression and boost the probability of customer retention.

Personalizing customer service is essential for making consumers feel unique and valued. Begin by addressing them by name and making them feel at ease. Considering a customer’s previous purchases and experiences might also assist to customise their experience.

Tips for Providing Exceptional Customer Service Include

Active Listening and Positive Attitude

  • Maintain a good attitude and practice active listening
  • Avoid interrupting customers and offer open-ended questions to encourage them to speak more

Patience and Positive Language

  • Be patient and understanding, and demonstrate empathy
  • Use positive language to calm difficult situations

Follow-Up and Continuous Learning

  • Follow up with customers to ensure their satisfaction and learn from feedback
  • Continuously develop your skills and stay up-to-date on industry trends

Additional Techniques for Outstanding Customer Service

Personalization and Contextualization

  • Put customer service into context and modify your approach according to individual preferences
  • Offer choices and alternatives that are tailored to their individual requirements and preferences

Real Concern and Attention

  • Offer your full attention and take the time to understand the customer’s problem or concern
  • Demonstrate genuine concern and go above and beyond to find the best solution available

Highlighting Relevant Customer Service Skills on a Resume

  • Review the job description and identify the essential skills
  • Focus on your actual capabilities and provide specific examples of how you have used your customer service skills in the past
  • Utilize the work experience section to demonstrate your skills and accomplishments

How to Provide Exceptional Customer Service

To provide exceptional customer service, it is important to have a positive attitude, practice active listening, and demonstrate empathy. Patience, positive language, and follow-up are also important components. Personalization, contextualization, and genuine concern and attention can take customer service to the next level. Continuous learning and development are also crucial.

Seven Ideas for Providing Exceptional Customer Service:

  • Maintain a positive attitude
  • Engage in active listening
  • Provide customized service
  • Be patient and understanding
  • Use positive language
  • Follow up with the client
  • Continuously develop your skills

Additional Techniques to Improve Customer Service:

  • Put customer service into context
  • Demonstrate genuine concern and attention

By following these guidelines, you can provide exceptional customer service that goes above and beyond the basics.

Tips for Including Relevant Customer Service Skills on a Resume:

  • Review the job description to find essential skills
  • Focus on your real capabilities
  • Demonstrate your abilities in the work experience section

Have a cheerful attitude, avoid saying no, engage in active listening, get to know your consumers, understand the product or service, and be empathetic.


Q: What are some tips for providing exceptional customer service?
A: Some tips include maintaining a positive attitude, engaging in active listening, providing customized service, being patient and understanding, using positive language, following up with the client, continuously developing your skills, putting customer service into context, and demonstrating genuine concern and attention.

Q: How can I include relevant customer service skills on my resume?
A: You can review the job description to find essential skills, focus on your real capabilities, and demonstrate your abilities in the work experience section.

Q: Is it important to demonstrate empathy when providing customer service?
A: Yes, demonstrating empathy can make a difference in providing exceptional customer service and may increase the probability of customer retention.

Q: How can I get to know my customers and provide a more personalized experience?
A: You can understand your customers’ requirements and expectations, consider their previous purchases and experiences, and offer choices and alternatives tailored to their individual preferences.

Q: Should I avoid saying no when dealing with customer complaints or difficulties?
A: Yes, it is important to avoid saying no and instead strive to provide alternatives that fulfill the customer’s requirements. This positive attitude demonstrates your commitment to assisting them and raises the probability of a successful conclusion.

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